Our Team of Scientists have successfully formulated the world’s first and only, safe, atomised instant cooling spray. Magicool® a patented invention is described as “your very own personal air-conditioner in a can”. Magicool® cooling spray is self-chilled and works without refrigeration, it delivers micro-fine ready chilled water-based spray even if the canister is left to stand in hottest weather.

A quick spritz on your face or body is guaranteed to leave you feeling chilled and exhilarated anytime..anywhere and in all hot conditions. It is also ideal for use in sun-baked cars as it cools you as well as the hot air and surfaces around you until air-conditioning kicks in.

Magicool Plus Prickly Heat, Magicool Plus Itchy Skin and Magicool Plus Sunburn are Medical Devices and groundbreaking, breakthrough treatment for Prickly Heat, Itchy Skin due to summer and seaside ailments and mild to severe Sunburn in all ages including babies and expectant mothers.